So there are two big ideas that Christopher Bailey at Burberry wants to get across this season. The first is a slouchy knit top or cardigan paired with a well tailored tapered pant chopped off half an inch above the ankle. The result is a relaxed, rumpled, yet sophisticated look that the brits do so well.

Bailey's second idea is really a continuation of the line he pioneered last summer where he sent out trench coats cinched high on the waist with slim belts , challenging us to try out a new proportion after years of elongated torsos enabled by low riding pants and skate culture. For winter, he appears to be reiterating his call for change with heavier coats girded by slightly wider belts again high on the waist. I mean, what better way to combat the sartorial chernobyl that is American pop culture but with good tailoring, a well defined waist and impeccable posture. So hike up those pants fellas, pull yourselves together, and save those exposed pubic bones for the snotty skater boys - who are all so painfully passe these days - and vulgar rap stars.

Stay tuned for the next installment.
I refuse to join the Harry High Pants brigade. They're just going to pull the waistline down again in five years, and I have jeans that are older than that.
On a lighter note, is it just her hair, or does Beyonce totally hav Moo-moo Carey/tuckshop-lady arms in this photo?
beyonce look so hot.i love watching her.
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