Now onto the movies. The double feature starts off with Planet Terror starring Rose Mcgowan as a go go dancer who gets her left leg ripped off by mutants and replaced with a high powered automatic machine gun/rocket launcher. Crammed full of boobs, blood and buttocks Rodriguez pulls off a satisfying (if a little self indulgent) homage to the B-movie. What makes the $11 ticket worthwhile however, is Tarantino's effort in Death Proof. Doing away with the faux crackles and missing reels that rendered Planet Terror so painfully post modern, Tarantino re-imagines Steven Spielberg's brilliant 1971 flick Duel with a trio of tough lusty babes. I dont want to give the plot away but lets just say that Women's Studies has never looked so appealing and relevant. If only Tarantino could do for gay men what he has done for women in film.
Ingas you have to see these movies! You will absolutely cream yourself! Hard.

there's talk they're going to restore the 'missing reels' and release the two films separately. Damn money-grubbing whores.
I'm creaming myself already! CANNOT wait!
Yeah I heard they were splitting up the films too, because together they didn't even make up a quarter of the budget on opening weekend :(
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