Monday, September 10, 2007

Obituary Sundays - Britney's Career

One only had to look at Fiddy's face around the halfway point. It really says it all. Horror, surprise, and finally, pity. Also, from the New York Times:

"Thanks to her annus horribilis — or, more accurately, anni horribiles — she was one of the most anticipated V.M.A. performers in years. Voyeurs around the world were ready to see a fallen star back onstage.

She didn’t disappoint: she was awful. Visibly nervous, she tottered around the stage, dancing tentatively and doing nothing that sounded or looked like real live singing."

Poor thing, strutting around and gyrating half-heartedly in that spangly bikini with her extra 25 pounds for all the world to see. Why not a corset? Or that big metallic belt that Dolce and Gabbana did this season? Hell, even a couple of panels of smoky chiffon and organdy would have been an improvement.

The host, Sarah Silverman sums it all up perfectly

"Was that incredible? Britney Spears, everyone. Wow. She is amazing. She is 25-years-old and she's already accomplished everything she's going to accomplish in her life. It's mind blowing."

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