Friday, July 13, 2007

Get Your Freakum Dress On

So everybody's been talking about Galliano's 10'th anniversary couture show for Dior. Now don't get me wrong, its pretty darn good, but it doesn't hold a candle to the Spring/Summer couture collection he showed last season. Mr Galliano is at his best when he has a dominant narrative to work with, like his Egyptian collection or the Psychedelic raver vibe he channeled in the late 90's. The most recent collection seemed to be a bit like a greatest hits album. You know all the individual components are good, but it never seems to amount to something greater than the sum of its parts. Judge for yourselves:

Autumn/ Winter 2007/8

And now for the truly transcendent Spring Summer collection:

These dresses still make me gasp, despite the fact that they are in a crappy youtube video. The construction and draping is just fucking breathtaking. To take heavy silk gazar and press it into delicate origami pleats and folds is just bloody genius if you ask me. This is the kind of stuff that really makes you stop and dream about different proportions and drape. It also reminds us how boring and disingenuous all these chain store collaborations are. Stop buying loads of poorly made crap people! Save your pennies and get something exceptional instead!


Evol Kween said...

That last video: I can just see you in wearing one of those numbers donw to your corner store for a carton of milk, before you slip back into a pair of trackies when you get home!

Jon said...

That'd be hot. Me stumbling down 2nd avenue in the big white origami number. Doesn't that make you hard just thinking about it?