Mr Mcqueen is regarded as one of the most prodigous talents in the fashion firmament, a claim readily confirmed by his brilliant and at times, breathtaking women's collections (watch this space in a month or so). So can he bring the same magic to the staid and predictable world of menswear? The three outfits below upon first glance dont seem to say much but closer inspection reveals a rather nuanced beauty in line and proportion. Notice how the pieces seem relaxed but still retain a confident structure and line. This should come as no surprise to us of course given Mcqueen's training at Anderson and Sheppard (a well known bespoke tailor on Saville Row).

So by now we're all thinking "ho hum, beautiful line blah blah blah, but where's the good stuff?". This is Mcqueen after all and we've all come to expect a little bit of drama. So here it is:

So the first outfit appears to comprise of two parts bee-keeper and three parts Picnic at Hanging Rock. One half expects the poor fellow to frolick down the runway screaming "Miranda?! Miraaanda?!!!". We are amused. The following outfit on the other hand is little more wearable , being black and all. I must say I'm quite fond of the plunging neckline. It might prove quite pleasant in the summer heat, especially in more humid conditions. Besides you can always cover it up by wearing something interesting underneath. Overall, a job well done, but my world was not rocked to say the least.
Now, on to the summer stylings of messirs Dolce and Gabbana. Now before we talk about the clothes lets just deal with these first

Alright. With them out of the way we can focus on whats really important, the rather unfortunate fashion. Now it is quite clear that Dolce and Gabbana want us to have a very sporty and active summer with their incoporation of sportswear fabrics in their collection. However, it is not readily apparant why they want us to look like Vin Diesel playing a fluffer on the set of "Berlin Dungeon IV". Repeat after me, "Would you like to touch my shiny shiny?". There, dont you want to have a shower after saying that? I know I do.

Now I really dont have a grudge against Dolce and Gabbana. They do make some very nice clothes now and then. But really, this is fashion for the stupid.

Thats all from me for now. Stay tuned for more men's fashion commentary later in the week!
who is the fashon for the stupid guy? He's hot.
here in korea the guys feckin lerve the plunging neckline... it's great.
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